How to add template manually in laravel

A video was created with this content, access 👇🏽

Hi guys, In this text I want to show how to add a template manually in laravel, in this tutorial I will use the version of laravel 5.7 and the Fashe template of colorlib, where you will find for free at the link:

Download the template

After you have created the project to have unzipped the downloaded file in the link above, you will copy the files: css, fonts, images, includes, js and vendor, of the file you downloaded.

Copy css, fonts, images, includes, js, and vendor

After that you will create a folder named “app-assets” inside the public folder in your project.

create app-assets folder

Create any controller for your project, let’s call this controller from Home, use the php artisan make: HomeController controller command.

Let’s create a route for the created controller, use this route: Route::get(‘/home’, ‘HomeController@index’)->name(‘home’);

Now in the Home controller we will create the index function to return in the view.

public function index()
      return view(‘home’);

In resource / views create the file home.blade.php and a folder with the name includes inside the folder layouts as in the picture:

In app.blade.php replace the content with:




In the includes folder, create the header.blade.php and footer.blade.php

Open the file index.html of the template (fasch-colorlib folder) and select the contents of <!DOCTYPE html> up </ header> and paste it into header.blade.php of your project.

After that you will point the href’s to the app-assets folder that you created in the project’s public folder, doing the following: css, fonts, images, includes e vendor, you will put {{asset (‘app-assets / and then close with’)}} and you’ll get: href = “{{asset (‘app-assets / vendor / bootstrap / css / bootstrap.min.css’)}} “

After selecting the <! — Footer →> to </html> that is in the template’s index.html and paste it into footer.blade.php

change the src path to the app-assets folder that you created in the project’s public folder, doing this: before js and vendor, you will put {{asset (‘app-assets / and then close with’)} : src = “{{asset (‘app-assets / vendor / slick / slick.min.js”

At home.blade.index type:




Inside @section (‘content’) copy and paste the remaining code that is left of index.html which is of <! — Slide1 →> until </ section> after doing so put your project to run with

php artisan serve

Your home will look like this.

My English language is still bad, I’m sorry if you do not understand

A video was created with this content, access 👇🏽

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